TEXT: It was time. She tossed a jacket over her shoulder and left without shutting the door. Out on the street, the folded sheet, the one with all the figures, fell from her pocket as she disappeared around the

TEXT: I just kept on, not knowing if or when I’d make it. I had come to the end of the line. Then, out of the blue, as I turned the

60″ x 30″ (152.5cm x 76.2cm), diptych, oil/wood, sandblasted glass, bolts, after Paul Cezanne, Chateau Noir, 1900-1904, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Edgar Degas, Le Baignoire, 1885-86, Hillstead Museum, Farmington, Connecticut
TEXT: I didn’t want to do what they asked so I didn’t. I wanted to do what I wanted so I did.