60″ x 60″ (153cm x 153cm),
oil on wood, sandblasted
TEXT: 14

After Fernand Léger, Les Eléments Mécanique, 1918-1923
TEXT: In 1918 Fernand Léger dreamed of fantastic machines that could change the world. My dreams run to making a vertical painting into a square, changing a few colors. Maybe that will end ignorance, hatred, and injustice.
WORKS FROM KEN APTEKAR, LA CHASSE HUMAINE, Espace Camille Lambert, Juvisy, France

37″ x37″ (94cm x 94cm),
oil on wood, sandblasted glass, bolts
After Jean-Baptiste Oudry, Chasse au loup, 1734

37″ x 37″ (94cm x 94cm),
oil on wood, sandblasted glass, bolts
After Jean-Baptiste Oudry, Faisan doré de Chine
avec un Amandina et un autre oiseau des îles, 1753
TEXT: Oh, you think you’re so special

37″ x 37″ (94cm x 94cm),
oil on wood, sandblasted glass, bolts
After François Boucher, La cible d’amour, 1758

37″ x 37″ (94cm x94cm),
oil on wood, sandblasted glass, bolts
After Jean-Baptiste Oudry, Meute de chiens courants
qui vont au rendez-vous, au carrefour de l’Embassade,
Forêt de Compiègne, 1743
TEXT: Nothing happens without the kind assistance of others.

37″ x 37″ (94cm x 94cm),
oil on wood, sandblasted glass, bolts
After François Boucher, Portrait en pied
de la marquise de Pompadour, 1750
TEXT: straight from the beginning

37″ x 37″ (94cm x 94cm),
oil on wood, sandblasted glass, bolts
After Anonymous, Plan de Bellevue, maison
royale à deux lieues ouest de Paris, 1750
TEXT: Having a great time out at the house. Wish you were here!