NACHBARN/NEIGHBORS: Die Flüchtling Aus Lübeck (The Refugee from Lübeck)

Rodolfo Hofmann was born in Lübeck, Germany, in 1923. His family fled to Santiago, Chile, in 1936. Before he left Lübeck forever, he celebrated his Bar Mitzvah in the Lübeck Synagogue. In this video Rodolfo (1923-2014) recounts his Jewish experience before and after leaving Germany. This video is included in Ken Aptekar’s exhibition, NACHBARN, at…


Ken Aptekar’s video RECENT PORTRAITS (12’3″) documents the interviews for a series of painted portraits by Ken Aptekar. In advance of his 2010 solo exhibition at Graham Gallery in NYC, Aptekar interviewed the subjects of his portraits for the show, including Ira Glass, Julia Peyton-Jones, his concierge in Paris, Arlette Coudray, and his father Milt Aptekar, among others….


(Version Francaise ICI) Ken Aptekar’s video THREE ACTS  (13’37”) is a chronicle of his transformation into King Louis XV and then Madame de Pompadour at the hands of renowned Parisian make-up artist/stylist, Pierre Marie Humeau. Videotaped in Paris and in the private apartments of Louis XV and Pompadour in the Chateau de Versailles, Three Acts premiered in 2004 at…


Ken Aptekar’s video Round Trip asks what happens when you turn the corner in New York and Paris, and find yourself in Paris and New York. Living in these two great cities, Aptekar uses his experience of walking the streets and rounding corners in both places to get at what it means to make something not…