Read the insightful, informative, and provocative essays–in German and English (CLICK AUTHORS’ NAMES):
St. Annen Museum Director, Dr. Thorsten Rodiek, author of Das Monumento nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II. in Rom. (Europäische Hochschulschriften Reihe 28 Kunstgeschichte Band 30), P. Lang, Frankfurt/Main – New York – Paris 1983. Zugl.: Stuttgart, Univ., Diss., 1981; James Stirling, die neue Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Hatje, Stuttgart 1984; Daniel Libeskind – Museum ohne Ausgang: das Felix-Nussbaum-Haus des Kulturgeschichtlichen Museums Osnabrück, 2.Auflage, Wasmuth, Tübingen 1999; and Kunsthalle St. Annen in Lübeck. Hrsg. Herbert Perl, Junius Verlag, Hamburg 2003
Dr. Janet Wolff, Professor Emerita of the University of Manchester, UK, and author of The Social Production of Art (1981/1993), Aesthetics and the Sociology of Art (1983/1993), Feminine Sentences: Essays on Women and Culture (1990), Resident Alien: Feminist Cultural Criticism (1995), AngloModern: Painting and Modernity in Britain and the United States (2003), and The Aesthetics of Uncertainty (2008)
Dr. Ernst Van Alphen, Professor of Literary Studies at Leiden University, and author of Staging the Archive. Art and Photography in Times of New Media. London 2014, Reaktion Books; Art in Mind: The Contribution of Contemporary Images to Thought, Chicago (2005) University of Chicago Press; Schaduw en Spel: Herbeleving, Historisering en Verbeelding van de Holocaust. Rotterdam 2004, NAi publishers, (Shadow and Play: Reliving, historicizing and representing the Holocaust); Armando: Vormen van Herinnering. Rotterdam (2000), NAi Uitgevers, English edition: Armando: Shaping Memory. Rotterdam 2000, NAi Publishers; Caught by History. Holocaust Effects in Contemporary Art, Literature and Theory. Stanford CA 1997, Stanford University Press; Op poëtische wijze. Een handleiding voor het lezen van poëzie. Bussum (1996; reprinted 2006), Coutinho. co-authors: L. Duyvendak, M. Meijer and B. Peperkamp ( In a poetic manner: a manual for reading poetry); De toekomst der herinnering. Essays over moderne Nederlandse literatuur. Amsterdam, Van Gennep (1993) ( The Future of Memory. Essays on Modern Dutch Literature); Francis Bacon and the Loss of Self. London, Reaktion Books (1992; reprinted 1998) & Cambridge MA, Harvard University Press (1993); Bij wijze van lezen. Verleiding en verzet van Willem Brakmans lezer. Muiderberg, Coutinho (1988) (As a Manner of Reading. Seduction and Resistance of Willem Brakman’s Reader); and Bang voor schennis? Inleiding in de ideologiekritiek. Utrecht, HES Publishers (1987), (Afraid of Violation? Introduction to the Critique of Ideology)